Saturday, August 11, 2012

TotD: Live, Love, Laugh... Create!

It is "creativity" or "creation" that remains, beyond our lifetimes.

Think of all of the marvelous things that have remained though their creators have passed. In the short range, one can list multitudes of people and their accomplishments, but as we go further and further back, what remains is the creation and not the legacy of its creator.

Take for example some of the oldest written songs or oldest hand-crafted pottery. While we are limited to what we know and what we can deduce about the artist who framed such masterpieces, we can still appreciate, today, the art, skill, and creativity that went into crafting these things.

Though a steady form of written recording seems to exist today, what if the world lost everything but a few scraps of the past- a few relics or stories?

Today, I want to be creative- I want to create something literal, something etherial, something heard, something tasted, something that ... tells the story of me.

And maybe hundreds of years from now...
(When we've forgotten things like: who invented the cotton gin... it was Eli Whitney)
Someone will enjoy my creation, and without even knowing me, will experience life, my way.


Monday, August 6, 2012

TotD: Three sayings that help me explain life...

1. Locks just keep honest people honest.

My dad says this phrase often when he reminds me to lock the doors to my car or to be safe. What it means is: Someone with real, malicious intent is not going to be thwarted by a lock. If they really want in, they will get in. Locks are meant so that good people don't make bad judgement calls. (Which says a lot about my dad if you ask me- a person who can really differentiate between bad people and bad judgement) Protecting ourselves and our possessions is about not offering a good person the chance to do something bad.

2. Stop and smell the roses.

This one I think my mom's mom has told me several times; that I've got to remember to slow down sometimes and appreciate the little things. I was thinking of this in a literal manner the other day as I walked down the street and realized that I had not yet even looked up at the sky to see if there were any clouds or really felt that nice, cool breeze. It's when we get too busy thinking about life and how to make it better, that we start to miss the little things that do.

3. You either implode or you explode.

Okay, I know this sounds weird. Here's a random thought for you- do you implode or explode? What I mean is I have come up with a theory that there are two types of reactions that people have when they experience shock: they either implode (sucking air into their lungs) or explode (scream). I also think that it is difficult to be both; you're more likely to do one or the other. I, for example, implode when faced with a shocking situation. I am more likely to say nothing or make no sound, than I am to scream. (I just got cast in a horror film... can you tell?) This makes it very difficult in my line of work. I can scream; it sounds like I'm riding a roller-coaster, because I'm screaming at being exhilarated... not shocked. And now that I think about this, maybe it could be applied to life in general... do we bottle it up, or let it out...?

So, ask yourself, "Do I implode or explode?" and post it below if you will, and let me know if I'm alone in my 'implosion.'

Saturday, August 4, 2012

TotD: It's My Fall-back

Today's thought of the day might make a few people get defensive, but I ask you to just try to hear me out:

Don't fall-back on my passion. 

I see people every day who wanted to do something, and instead they've taken to a career which they've deemed "easier." These careers may be considered this because they are less risky, more stable, involve less training or schooling, or aren't quite as competitive (any of those or a combination). Some of the best examples include: teaching, nursing, hair-styling, etc...

"Fall-back" Disclaimer: I consider a "fall-back" job as something that you decide to do for which you have no passion, but have chosen to do simply to make money, bide time, or have stability. A fall-back is when you are resigned to doing something you don't like; it does not include changing careers or following new dreams if these changes are about a new found passion.

But, what I want to point out here is that some people have a passion for teaching, for hair-styling, for nursing, for sales jobs, for bar-tending... they aren't in their line of work because they decided it was too hard to do something else. They didn't "fall-back" on this career; this is their dream!

So, when someone walks into my dream and thinks they can be what I've worked so hard to be, it's... insulting. If I go to years of schooling to be a teacher because I have a passion for children and teaching, and you add a teaching certificate on to your degree as a "fall-back" plan, I don't think we should go through the same interview. Again, I know this is going to ruffle some feathers, so I'll give you my personal example:

I went to a gig- a commercial that I was really excited to have been cast in- and I met a girl just out of university who was also in the commercial that day. She'd gotten the roll of a "roller skater" and told me about how she played women's hockey for years and was very at-ease on skates. She said she'd gone to university and played for the university team. They'd even played against an Olympic team. I asked what she was studying in university and she said: Kinesiology, so I asked her if she was pursuing hockey or coaching or training or anything. She said that she found the world of personal training kind of unappealing and had talked to a friend who told her she could be a model or actor.

So, without any training (very brave actually), she pulled some strings through good ole mom and dad, got an agent, and booked her very first gig... this commercial.

I have absolutely nothing against her success, but my point is: she believes that she can just decide to be in my profession without the training, the knowledge, or even the passion, and the sad part is... it's true!

I could decide tomorrow to be a hair dresser. I could study it a little, and I could start at one of the many salons around here within months. I would have no passion for it; I would never want to improve, be innovative, or grow in my career, and I probably wouldn't do the best work (because of my lack of passion). And because I'm not doing my best work, I make my profession look bad, look easy, look like anyone could do it... but they can't: not like me. Maybe someday I too will "fall-back" on something outside of my profession for the money or the stability and you can call my a hypocrite, but I'm writing this today as a reminder to myself that if I do have to reconsider my career, I will remember:

A. I must have a passion for my fall-back and
B. There are people, for whom this is not a fall-back plan

If you have a passion to teach, go teach!
If you have a passion to act, go act!
If you have a passion for soap and want to sell it or make it, do it!
If you have a passion to cut hair, drive a cab, be a tour guide, bar-tend.... Do it!
If you don't know what your passion is or have many, that's great! Don't consider it all a fall-back!

But don't you dare "Fall-Back" on my profession.

Friday, August 3, 2012

TotD: Baby, You Can't Drive My Car

It has recently come to my attention that people in cars behave one of two ways:

1. You pointedly avoid looking at other people in other cars
2. You stare at other people in other cars. 

This I find interesting, because it's considered impolite to stare at people in public (when they can walk up to you and tell you so), but from the safety of your vehicle, you're allowed. Now, when I say you are one of two people, this does not mean that you cannot switch! Consider for example the amount of "people watching" you do from the passenger's seat versus the drivers seat. Drivers tend to look at each other much less as they want to avoid confrontation with another operator.

I've decided that this confusion: Do I look or don't I? Comes from the odd relationship that cars create. Within the car nothing really changes, but from car to car (unless windows are rolled down and you're traveling at relatively the same speed without music playing... that sounds good and boring... and awkward) the relationship is very strange. We can see other people in their cars but we can't communicate with them and there's nothing to indicate whether we'd get a response or not if we tried. So, we look out of curiosity or we stare straight ahead trying to remain unseen.

It's just a random 'thought of the day,' but I think it says something about us; I'm just not sure what. And if you like my random rants like this one, here's one last thing to ponder:

I believe that whether or not you pick your nose in your car directly correlates with the type of person you are (stares at others/doesn't look). Those who do not look would be more likely to pick their noses as they believe (or wish to believe) that they are alone... But sir, you are never alone in that car. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

TotD: Optimism... Oh the Irony

Life will never be all bad news, and I suppose (in continuing with my pessimism theme) this is where optimism comes in. There are always two ways to look at each situation.

My mother has always said: "We (our family) are unluckily lucky. Bad things may happen to us, but there's always a silver lining."

I've believed this ever since I was very young especially when relatives have been diagnosed with cancer and beat it, when people get into car accidents and come out without a scratch, when something gets lost and the person who returns it is pretty darn cute.... Whatever the case, my family has been through some pretty tough things, but because we're "unluckily lucky" we make it out, we pull through, we move on.

I've gotta think though, that this comes from the power of optimism. I can choose how to look at these situations as they arise; they can be road-blocks or stepping stones. I can also decide whether they are mountains or mole-hills. I can let them stop me or use them to propel me forward.

No matter what comes my way, be it positive or negative looking, I can decide how it affects me because I am in control.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

TotD: Compliment Sandwich

Yes, that's right, you heard it on Family Guy when Stewie gave Brian a performance review. Stewie describes the "compliment sandwich" saying: 'First, I'll start off with something you're doing well, then I'll touch on an area of improvement, and I'll conclude with another high point.' (Or something of the sort) He goes on to say some pretty hilarious comments, but what I was thinking about today is how life kind of tends to give you a 'compliment sandwich' or even a double-decker. 

People always say that bad things happen in threes. Not that I'm terribly superstitious, but often I do find that to be true. I also believe that as humans, we have the desire to find patterns in everyday life- meaning that when two things go wrong, we become convinced that one more thing will happen (and tend to count things that are on a much more minor scale). For example: Last summer, all in the same week, my husband was in a car accident, our fridge started leaking freon, and... I spilled coffee in my car. Are these three a pattern? Or is it just that I was looking for something to count for number three?

Recently, however, I've been noticing that things seem to balance each other out. One day it's terrible news and the next, it's fantastic.  Of course this is to a greater or lesser degree. I believe that this is the world's way of keeping everything on an even keel; nothing can go right all the time. My personal belief is that God gives us the rain with the sunshine, and if I never see the rain, I'll never appreciate the sun. But whatever you want to believe- karma, God, a combination or some other force of nature- it's hard to deny that the good and the bad always come back around in a never ending chain... or sandwich stack. 

So, I'm going to "hope for the best and plan for the worst." I'm gonna find today's "compliment sandwich"and eat it too.

You can find your compliment sandwich too, because you're awesome! I mean, you could use a little work, but, everything will turn out right, don't worry! ;)

Monday, July 30, 2012

TotD: Gentle Redirection

So this "Thought of the Day" stuff is becoming more like a "Thought of the Week." Isn't it funny how something as simple as committing to writing daily, can seem challenging? The problem is that once I miss a day, I feel like giving up.

'What's the point? I've already missed so many days? Anyone who was reading them will be disappointed and won't read any more. I should just quit.'

But, it's this kind of thinking (this pessimistic stuff... remember I'm starting a club), that makes it so hard to keep trying. Life becomes: accept victory or accept defeat, but don't keep struggling on. Well why not?

It is in our attempts, that we learn!  

So, I thought of what my yoga instructors have said while we are attempting to meditate and keep the mind focused. They say:

"Each time your mind wanders, gently redirect it to the breath."

One of the most important things that I have learned is that punishing yourself-banging your head against the wall- will never help you. The only way to affect a positive change in your self or your routine is to gently redirect:

'What you're doing right now is okay, but it could be more productive to explore this other option, so lets try it for a while and see what we think.'

I know it sounds like psycho-babble, but what I'm getting at is that punishing yourself just makes you more resistant. No one wants to do what makes them feel bad; it's a natural human reaction.

So be gentle with yourself today, and see where it takes you!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

TotD: It's Our Humor that Sets Us Apart

Today's thoughts of the day are simply two small jokes that have been circulating in my brain. After all, it is our sense of humor that makes us human. Ever noticed that there's only two letters difference? Today, I was confronted by the many problems that we face every day, and I had to remind myself that sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

"I want to start a Pessimists Club, but it doesn't matter because nobody will want to join anyway."

"I recently read in a local newspaper that a man called the police to ask for a roadside signage change. His request was that a particular deer crossing sign be relocated. The reason? There are far too many deer using it."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TotD: Three Thoughts

Thought of the Day #1:

The parasol needs to come back into style. Regardless of the fact that it blocks you from the sun's harmful rays, just remember it also creates shade! On hot days like these, I would love if I could walk around with a light-weight glorified umbrella and not seem like I'm that chinese woman who doesn't want to tan. Parasols, let's bring them back!

Thought of the Day #2:

It is physically impossible to relax every muscle in your body (and still retain your dignity and life). As my husband aptly pointed out: "relaxing every muscle" would include those in your posterior, some internal organs (such as the heart), and other things like the diaphragm (which is pretty important in the breathing process). It's true, all of these things are muscles and would be pretty hard to stop without dying, but the attempt to "relax every muscle in your body" is not about the ones you can't control, it's about the ones that you don't realize you're controlling. "Relax every muscle in your body" reminds us that it's not just the ones that we're conscious of, in which it is important to release tension.

Thought of the Day #3:

If going over past events in your mind is not constructive, don't do it. Often, I find myself reliving embarrassing situations (sometimes years old) for no apparent reason- other than that they seem to be stuck forever in my mind. I've come to the realization that if I'm not learning or changing anything after I relive these events, then the action is destructive, not constructive. When it comes to my auditions, it's very easy to rip apart what I believe went wrong. The hard part is realizing when I'm "beating a dead horse." Once I've decided how to be more prepared for my next audition, I should stop reliving my humiliation.
I cannot change the past, only the future. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

TotD: A Picture's Worth

Ok, so this is not actually my head-shot... you got me

Sincerely, short and sweet this time:

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Unless... it's not.

I'm having a problem right now with my professional head-shots. You see, I love them, but when it comes to giving them to prospective casting directors, I tend to only use one specific photo.

This is not because I dislike any of the photos at all! What I feel is that one of them is the most powerful (and thus most capable of getting me a job). Instead of choosing the photo that is closest to the descriptions of potential characters, I give them the same 'powerful' photo every time. 

The real problem: I had dozens of prints made of five different shots! I love them, but if I always use the same one... then the others are worth a single word (not a thousand), and that word is "useless."

Oh no! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

TotD: Curiosity Got Your Tongue?

Today's short thought of the day is simply about communication.

I would label myself as a "story teller," and even if the only interaction you've had with me is reading my last few blogs, I tend to think you'd agree. I enjoy telling stories, theorizing, waxing poetic...

Where I believe that I come up a bit short is not in listening (as I also prize my listening skills- the one area in which I can demonstrate any sort of patience), but rather in the act of 'asking questions.'

I am an open book and, having been asked a question, will tend to launch into stories and tid-bits that help me to explain or relate to others. Often, however, I lament the fact that I come away from a conversation feeling like I know very little about the other person. On top of this, I begin to worry that in my domination of the conversation, I will be perceived as superficial or self-involved.

So today's thought of the day is, very simply:

 Develop your curiosity!  

Even if it's less comfortable to ask new acquaintances questions than it is to talk about ones own experiences, get out of your comfort-zone and let them enjoy relating to you as well! Be curious; you're not prying as long as you're polite.

So there it is; Apanda's Thought of the Day about how to communicate with others- isn't it funny how long the discovery continues: how all our lives we continue to learn how to communicate with others?

And yes... this is my crazy cat who developed his sense of curiosity quite a long time ago...

Friday, July 20, 2012

TotD: Life is Precious

I can't help but make today's post about the horrific event that took place in Colorado last night. The loss of life, those innocent people, the terror and pain inflicted- I can't even begin to express my sorrow for everyone. I am stunned by the idea that there is no place safe from such violence even in such a great nation; it is truly devastating.

Today's thought of the day:  Please be kind to each other; life is too precious.

Life is so very precious,
Please hold your loved ones dear.
Last night has proved beyond a doubt 
That evil's always near.

Please pray for all the people,
Who've lost so much today.
Let's all pray for the injured,
Cuz, on all our minds, they weigh.

Senseless were his actions,
Terror was his aim,
And for this loss of safety,
We have only him to blame.

He's taken all he can from us,
But I'll not give him fame,
He wants to be remembered?
Well, let's all forget his name.

Remember instead the love we share
for victims of such crimes
and hold hands, say prayers together,
in such dark and shocking times.

The light defeats the darkness,
And he'll cause us no more sorrow,
For together we shall stand and see,
The brightness of tomorrow.

Praying for all of the families and friends of lost loved ones today that they may heal and find God's peace.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

TotD: Spending Dimes to Save Nickels

Today's thought of the day is about frugality and what it really means. The word "frugal" is commonly used in place of "cheap" or "thrifty," but I think it means a lot more than that. Frugal means being smart with your money: knowing when to spend it and how to save it.

I brought my car into my dealership to have it tuned-up. The courtesy shuttle at my small, local dealership is simply an employee with a company vehicle who picks people up from the dealership and drops them off where the need to go. I was riding with a very nice man, who when I told him where I was going, promptly pointed out that most people would take Yonge St. (a very heavily traveled road), and he was going to take me the "back way." 

Now the reason that the man wanted to avoid Yonge was so that he could avoid potential traffic; having driven down the road myself on the way to the dealership, I told him that today it seemed to be moving just fine. He insisted that his back way was much better.

I live thirty minutes from the dealership if you take the way that any map-generating-site would lead you; this route would include Yonge, and yes, I'm factoring in moderate traffic. The "back way" that the driver took us, took forty-five minutes. I could hardly be angry with him as I really wasn't in a hurry, but I do remember thinking:

To avoid traffic that may or may not have even existed, a man went fifteen minutes out of his way. The fear that he had about traffic was that it would take up time, and yet he wasted time going a different route. Honestly, even at rush hour, I had never experienced a delay in that area longer than five minutes. So maybe he likes the scenic route or wants to drive through neighborhoods instead of through commercial area; this could be entirely true!

My dad always says: "You're spending dimes to save nickels!" 

And I have to stop and think sometimes:

Am I spending more time going "the back way" than I would be just trudging through the traffic? If I have a coupon to save money, but don't actually need the product, am I still saving? If I go a couple of miles out of my way to get gas for 1/2 a cent cheaper, am I spending more money in the gas it takes me to get there?

So, dad, I'll be keeping a close eye on those dimes from now on! 

(And I don't just mean those men in Magic Mike. Although...)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

TotD: Wear Sunscreen

You remember that song that came out about ten or twelve years ago where the guy gave advice about what to do after graduation? Well, though I haven't listened to that song in years, I have to say that one of the most important things that he says is: "Wear sunscreen."

Today, I had the privilege of talking to a young gentleman who works on a Caribbean cruise liner in the ship's salon. When I asked him what he specialized in, he said he did most everything that the salon offered. I found this particularly interesting because the man was standing in a local body care store looking for aloe vera for his sunburn.

Looking at the man, you'd say he was the manicured type. His nails were trimmed, his hair was styled, and he worked in the salon doing skin peels and hair treatments, yet his own skin was badly burnt. He works in a spa, and yet he too does not take into account the damage that 'doing nothing' can do.

Now being pasty-white myself, some would say that I really have no place to talk about this, but here's an example for you that I found on Facebook a while ago via The Chicago Museum of Science and Technology.

This is a picture of a trucker who has been driving a truck for 20+ years and has never thought to put on anything to protect his skin. Driving a truck, the sun enters through the driver's side window (his left). Descriptions of this picture have labeled him as the man whose face is two different ages.

I do not want today's thought of the day to seem vain; the actual effects of the sun are not what I'm getting at. What I would rather everyone focus on is the change that can occur without anyone noticing- the harm that something so seemingly harmless can do over time. Without even noticing, we change. So the thought of the day is:

Once you've become the person you'd like to be... Wear Sunscreen. Change is inevitable, but damage is not.

Monday, July 16, 2012

TotD: It's My Mind, It's Now or Never

My yoga instructor recently described Yoga as the pursuit of control over the mind.

A couple of days ago my husband said that it didn't seem that hard to master.

Having a very... well, let's say active...mind, I disagree, but I understand his line of thinking. It is easier than one would believe to change your thoughts. One can simply correct negative thinking by refusing to entertain these thoughts. This is part of the pursuit, but the mastery would be in not having to "correct" anything because these thoughts literally never come to be.

What I think my husband is missing is the emotion part of thought. In my opinion, yoga would entail the pursuit of recognition of the emotional response and adjustment of the thought and reaction before  they come to be. It is not, however, the denial of emotion.

A person might say they are in control if they can react calmly to something monumental or tragic, but if they are simply burying their emotions to do so, this is actually destructive. Denial of an emotional response can lead as far as psychosis.

A master of the art would be able to confront their emotional response as an outside observer and decide how to think and act according to the most productive use of that emotional response. 

Ex: "I am angry. Because I know it will not improve my situation to express this directly to the aggressor, I will calmly express my dislike for the situation and suggest a remedy. This will improve my emotional state and my thoughts will be on the positive solution versus the detriment that the situation has caused, and as a bonus, my aggressor may feel better as well."

If only we could all do this; life would be so much more productive.

Let me strive each day to be able to monitor my mind, my thoughts, my emotions that I may lead an even more productive, happy life.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Totd: "Don't Think That We're Picky"

Today's thought of the comes from the mouth of a girl of about ten. While I was working, entertaining some kids at a birthday party, a girl said to me in regards of what to do next: "Don't think that we're picky!"

The odd part to this is that it was relatively unsolicited. I told her what we would be doing next and then politely asked if that sounded alright. She said "yes!", and then qualified it with, "but, don't thank that we're picky!" To which I didn't know how to respond. I said something to effect of ' I don't believe you're being picky,' but her odd request stayed with me.

Is it wrong to be picky?

I've never considered 'being selective' a bad trait. Though sometimes it's nice to be impulsive or go-with-your-gut, I can't disapprove of a person who wants to take a minute and think about their options. It is actually this concept that denotes a step in maturity; children will often pick the first thing that they are offered instead of waiting to hear all of their options. 

My mother always said, "You've gotta kiss a lot of toads before you find your frog prince." Now, if being picky on a romantic front means that you're going to literally wait until a slimy amphibian becomes a rich, gorgeous member of the royal family... I think you might be an extremist. All things in moderation, after all. Being picky does not, however, give anyone an excuse to be rude. 

As long as your version of "picky" includes good manners and is rooted in a little reality, I say: go for it!

So please, DO think we're picky!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Totd: The Customer Gets Away With Murder

Today's thought of the day is, in my opinion, a common phrase which has today been extrapolated to mean something entirely... absurd.

The common phrase being: "The customer is always right."

You don't have to be a business student or even business associate to have heard this phrase, but for those who are in any way 'in business,' this phrase has come to mean much more.

Nowadays, if you are my customer (in any way), I must do things that I would not normally do if we were merely friends or perhaps even strangers; I must not argue with you. I must admit that I am wrong or failing you, even if I am correct. I must give you all that you want or sometimes more, simply to appease you. I must do anything I can to make you happy so that I may maintain our dreadful relationship.

Take for example a common soap store (I'm not going to name names): The store policy is that if you do not like the product that you've purchased for any reason, you may return or exchange it. At this particular store, one woman brought in a rather large candle that she had obviously burnt. She told a store associate that she would like to exchange it for another scent. The store associate happily told her that she was more than welcome to at no charge of course, and so she did. The next day, the same woman returned to the store to find a different store associate. Again, she said I don't like this scent, may I exchange it for another? Again, a store associate happily told her that she is more than welcome to do so at no charge of course, and so she did. Every day the woman comes in, returns a candle that has been burnt for about one day and picks a new one. She never has to pay for a candle that she exchanges, and yet everyday the store accepts a large burnt candle which they must discard and pays for her to get a new one. The woman does not see anything wrong with this behavior, and because the store is bent on keeping all of it's customers happy, the managers at that store will continue to lose revenue to a woman who bought.... one candle.


These customers can get away with murder.

Today, parents of a spoiled child made it very clear to me that when they pay someone money, they expect the world and I should be treated like a servant. (Ironic if you're intimately familiar with what I do.)

So, Seller Beware! 

Think twice before asking: "May I help you?"

Friday, July 13, 2012

TotD: Self-Motivation

I am a people pleaser and enjoy completing tasks and projects, for others, to the best of my ability. I take lots of pride in what I've created and am a perfectionist.

The problem is that when it comes to self-motivation; I often feel like I have very little. I am motivated by what others tell me to do, but I somehow struggle with demanding that I do something for myself. I know what you're thinking, as my yoga instructors have often said, "demanding" is not what you should be doing, but I am sorry to say that gently asking myself to get my butt off the couch, just isn't cutting it.

Becoming an adult, people often tell you: "Now there's no one to hold your hand; you'll have to do these things yourself." While I have trepidation, like any person, about certain 'adult' things like going to the dentist alone, I can't say that it's fear or first-time jitters holding me back. I am... missing a motivator.

For years I've had a parent, a teacher, an instructor, a professor, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician telling me what I should do. If you look at your childhood, if you had helpful parents like mine, you probably led a very structured life, but who motivates me now?

The answer is of course: me. It would be easier to ask someone else to force me to do things, (Ex: "Mom, can you please remind me to write my blog entries and yell at me if I haven't in a while?") but as an adult, my mother, my friend, my husband or any other person I could ask should not have to deal with "being the bad guy."

I should be the bad guy! 

Except... that's not very good motivation.

So here's the thought of the day:

Is Self-Motivation rooted solely in the extreme desire/need to change your current circumstances? 

Does one need to be uncomfortable to be self-motivated?