Sunday, July 15, 2012

Totd: "Don't Think That We're Picky"

Today's thought of the comes from the mouth of a girl of about ten. While I was working, entertaining some kids at a birthday party, a girl said to me in regards of what to do next: "Don't think that we're picky!"

The odd part to this is that it was relatively unsolicited. I told her what we would be doing next and then politely asked if that sounded alright. She said "yes!", and then qualified it with, "but, don't thank that we're picky!" To which I didn't know how to respond. I said something to effect of ' I don't believe you're being picky,' but her odd request stayed with me.

Is it wrong to be picky?

I've never considered 'being selective' a bad trait. Though sometimes it's nice to be impulsive or go-with-your-gut, I can't disapprove of a person who wants to take a minute and think about their options. It is actually this concept that denotes a step in maturity; children will often pick the first thing that they are offered instead of waiting to hear all of their options. 

My mother always said, "You've gotta kiss a lot of toads before you find your frog prince." Now, if being picky on a romantic front means that you're going to literally wait until a slimy amphibian becomes a rich, gorgeous member of the royal family... I think you might be an extremist. All things in moderation, after all. Being picky does not, however, give anyone an excuse to be rude. 

As long as your version of "picky" includes good manners and is rooted in a little reality, I say: go for it!

So please, DO think we're picky!

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