Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TotD: Three Thoughts

Thought of the Day #1:

The parasol needs to come back into style. Regardless of the fact that it blocks you from the sun's harmful rays, just remember it also creates shade! On hot days like these, I would love if I could walk around with a light-weight glorified umbrella and not seem like I'm that chinese woman who doesn't want to tan. Parasols, let's bring them back!

Thought of the Day #2:

It is physically impossible to relax every muscle in your body (and still retain your dignity and life). As my husband aptly pointed out: "relaxing every muscle" would include those in your posterior, some internal organs (such as the heart), and other things like the diaphragm (which is pretty important in the breathing process). It's true, all of these things are muscles and would be pretty hard to stop without dying, but the attempt to "relax every muscle in your body" is not about the ones you can't control, it's about the ones that you don't realize you're controlling. "Relax every muscle in your body" reminds us that it's not just the ones that we're conscious of, in which it is important to release tension.

Thought of the Day #3:

If going over past events in your mind is not constructive, don't do it. Often, I find myself reliving embarrassing situations (sometimes years old) for no apparent reason- other than that they seem to be stuck forever in my mind. I've come to the realization that if I'm not learning or changing anything after I relive these events, then the action is destructive, not constructive. When it comes to my auditions, it's very easy to rip apart what I believe went wrong. The hard part is realizing when I'm "beating a dead horse." Once I've decided how to be more prepared for my next audition, I should stop reliving my humiliation.
I cannot change the past, only the future. 

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