Sunday, July 22, 2012

TotD: A Picture's Worth

Ok, so this is not actually my head-shot... you got me

Sincerely, short and sweet this time:

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Unless... it's not.

I'm having a problem right now with my professional head-shots. You see, I love them, but when it comes to giving them to prospective casting directors, I tend to only use one specific photo.

This is not because I dislike any of the photos at all! What I feel is that one of them is the most powerful (and thus most capable of getting me a job). Instead of choosing the photo that is closest to the descriptions of potential characters, I give them the same 'powerful' photo every time. 

The real problem: I had dozens of prints made of five different shots! I love them, but if I always use the same one... then the others are worth a single word (not a thousand), and that word is "useless."

Oh no! 

1 comment:

  1. You want me to start rolling some dice to determine which headshot you'll send out each time?
